
Member of the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA);
HKPCA Certified Counsellor;
Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) from the University of Hong Kong;
Certificate in Emotion-Focused Therapy (1-year program) from the Institute of Emotion-Focused Therapy (Asia);
Bachelor of Social Sciences (Sociology), The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Areas of Specialties:
Personal emotional challenges
Emotional management
Major life adjustment
Marital or relationship improvement
Identity & sexuality

Janet Yu (CAN/ MAN)

Senior Counsellor, working with corporates and individuals
Areas of Practice:
Employee assistance program (EAP), Face to face counselling, Telehealth, Critical Incident, Onsite Counselling

My years of study and practice in the counselling profession have filled me with gratitude and humbleness, as I continue to be amazed by the intricacy of human beings, their personal stories, emotions, and the challenges life throws at them. It is an immense privilege to accompany someone, as their fellow traveller, on their journey of self-discovery, which may lead to a more honest and authentic life.

Following a person-centred approach, I incorporate various approaches in practice, such as emotion-focused/ experiential approaches, and narrative therapy, with an integration of mindfulness. I also tend to understand people’s struggles within a broader systematic and developmental context, with an emphasis on therapeutic dynamics, attachment, individual strength and inner resources.

If we have the opportunity to meet during a counselling session, I would like to get to know you as a whole person. You may currently feel overwhelmed by challenges or difficulties, but these are the very things that have inspired you to seek alternatives. I applaud your courage, and the light within. We may take on a journey and see where it may lead.